Paranormal Women’s Fiction and Midlife Fantasy Fiction

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New Hope

New Hope

She woke long before her alarm went off, much to her chagrin. Her mind already at a whirlwind, her eyes never left the ticking clock. Each minute brought her closer to a moment she knew would change her, one way or the other, and do so permanently. A hint of daylight...

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New Book Cover, Who Dis?

Even though Dark Rooms is on the market doing its thing, I like to continue to improve and update - especially as I learn more! Some of the feedback I received from my readers (and fellow writers) was that the cover didn't scream "paranormal romance" or stand out in a...

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Life is Changing, But so are You

Life is Changing, But so are You

Contributed to New Orleans Mom The you of today is not the same “pre-quarantine” you. This new you is resilient. Capable. Strong. Even in the face of darkness, even if you think you are screwing up, you are getting up and going again. You are facing every day because...

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