Paranormal Women’s Fiction and Midlife Fantasy Fiction

You Were a Vine

You Were a Vine

Image by Thomas B. from Pixabay When He took you from me He promised you would become a flower. Any flower I chose. I thought of your resilience, remembered the times you should have caved but didn’t. When you ran, far before you walked, you wanted to jump. So you...
There’s a Storm Coming

There’s a Storm Coming

Contributed to New Orleans Mom It’s all coming back. And the bad news is, it’s just getting started. Did you sleep last night? Are you ok today? Can you sit down for a minute, here with me, so we can talk through this? I want to share a few things with you. Read...
His Love of Nature

His Love of Nature

Picture by Kellepics, courtesy of Pixabay. It was overcast today, but he knew what was coming. Summer started tomorrow. Tomorrow was the longest day. The Solstice. Tomorrow he would walk outside and greet the sun.   Tomorrow was her last day alive. He’d tried to fight...
My First Funeral

My First Funeral

I entered the church and went straight to Emily. I hugged her, as we always do when we see each other, but I held on longer. She didn’t mind. We aren’t family, so I wasn’t allowed to sit with her. I pointed to the pews along the side, where Judy sat.  “I will be...
Let’s Take Ourselves Off Auto-Pilot

Let’s Take Ourselves Off Auto-Pilot

Contributed to New Orleans Mom How ridiculous was it that my plan to be super productive came at the expense of my basic needs as a human? How often, I wondered, did I plan days like this where I didn’t allow myself to eat or even stop to rest for five full minutes? I...