Paranormal Women’s Fiction and Midlife Fantasy Fiction

A Note for my Shy Daughter, From your Outgoing Momma

by | Aug 26, 2019 | Blog

Contributed to New Orleans Mom

The great part about being a member of a community, little one, is that we are exposed to all kinds of people. If we are lucky, we get to meet people who aren’t like us. We get to talk to others with a completely different perspective. We dress differently. We eat different foods. We live different lifestyles. That is cool. It’s how we grow. It’s how we come to empathize with our fellow humans, make new friends, and expand how we understand the world.

But I never want you to doubt yourself because you are not like me, nor do I ever want you to see different as bad. There’s room in this world for people like you and people like me… and everyone else. So as you navigate this world as an introvert, my dear daughter, here are a few things I hope you will remember.

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